Bipin: The Man Behind the Uniform

Rachna Biswat Rawat, a journalist and writer from India, has written a book called “Bipin: The Man Behind the Uniform.” The book is published by Penguin Veer, a Penguin Random House imprint, and focuses on the life, personality, and principles of General Bipin Rawat. Rawat was India’s first Chief of Defence Staff and one of the country’s most notable military leaders until he tragically died in a helicopter crash in 2021. The book was presented to India’s Minister of Defence, Rajnath Singh, by the author. It serves as a fitting tribute to General Rawat’s life and achievements. The Book tells the story of General Bipin Rawat‘s life, from his time as a cadet at the National Defence Academy to his role as India’s first Chief of Defence Staff. It includes anecdotes such as when he was demoted during his training for not completing a mandatory swimming pool jump, when he lost his ID card at Amritsar railway station, and when he joined his men for Dusshera celebrations despite having a leg in plaster.

The book also highlights his decision as Army Chief to retaliate openly to every act of cross-border terrorism and his love for dancing the jhamre with his Gorkha troops.
