PM Modi urges people to read more books in the digital era of Google guru
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has asked the citizen of India to adopt the habbit of readin books during his Mann Ki Baat 2.0
Reiterating his policy of ‘no bouquet, just a book’, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday, June 30, 2019, urged the nation to inculcate a habit of reading books regularly. Addressing the nation on the first episode of the ‘Mann Ki Baat’ radio programme after coming to power, Modi urged citizens to hold discussions on books they read and why they liked it.
PM Modi’s request to read books
“In this digital era of Google guru, I request to you – please devote some time for reading. You will love this exercise. I urge you all to talk about the books you read on the ‘Narendra Modi Mobile App.’ Let us have discussions on the books we read and why we liked them,” he said.
“My dear countrymen, you must have heard it several times from me ‘No Bouquet, But Book’, My insistence has been to gift books rather than giving bouquet while meeting and greeting other people, and several people have now started gifting books,” Modi added.
PM Modi recalls the ‘short stories by Premchand’ gift
Recalling an incident wherein he was gifted a book containing popular short stories by Premchand, the Prime Minister said the situations were relatable to incidents prevailing in the present day.
“His (Premchand’s) stories depict human emotions that have touched me deep inside. Entire India is reflected in his stories, although these stories are century old but still relevant. While reading one of his stories ‘Nashaa’, I couldn’t help but notice the scourge of economic disparity plaguing society,” he observed.